Holy Shit!!!
I woke up this morning thinking of "the inevitability of death", the song, for the most part... I was actually trying to remember how this one verse goes... I know I can look it up in the etherspace if I wanted to, but I don't, not really... There is just 1 word I am missing from the verse, I think the word is "fantastic" but that doesn't make sense to me for some reason, so I am just kinda groovin' on what other possible words would fit there...
So then I started thinking about the inevitability of death, the real one, you know, like, how we are all gonna die one day. You know, I am not really sad at at thought, not right now (gimme a few minutes, that might change)... and I had this huge, uh, speach? diatribe? whats that called, Lecture, all done up and was presenting it to the audience in my head (they hang on my everyword and there is a girl in the front row wearing a skirt and it is all pulled up and she doesn't have any panties on, or a bra, and neither does the girl next to her)... I was fabulous, talking about how different people of different beliefs, uh, believe in different things (wtf?) about what happens when it is all over... From St. Peter hanging out at the pearly gates (declaring us the nicest of the damned) to something about a bunch of virgins and stuff (ok, that I don't understand, so you martyr yourself, go someplace where you are given a bunch of virgins, lets say 10, so they are virgins so that you can be their first, then they are no longer virgins, just 10 gals hanging out with you and then what? what are you going to do with 10 non-virgins now that you are dead? I am sure that is a gross simplification, but I am lost)... Oh, and like me, I am this close {} to enlightenment (looks like a butt, huh) and so I get to continue on until I have the option of opting out, although I wouldn't because I need to come back and help the rest of you... ahh, I was gonna go on, but shant...
So I was thinking about that this morning and I was sitting on the bus and I got these songs that came on that seemed to be all about death and/or moving on or something (except "Hey Boy" which is about how this chick sat outside at this party and just talked with this dude for a hour or two and she thought that something could be starting, but then the dude never called and she is asking why?)...
So I am sitting there wondering if there is a connection or if I was making the connection up when I looked accross the aisle from me and the Sausage is staring at me again... sunken eyes (blue) and huge chin and forehead (and not in a good way) so I did my deal where I pretend I am a visitor at the zoo, looking through the glass at the monkey and wondering if they are actually seeing me when they stare back, and somehow the gaze was broken, so I looked over and the fidgity redhead was sitting next to him pretending to sleep so the Sausage wouldn't try to talk to her (he tries to talk to her I have noticed) and I still had the whole death thing on my mind and I looked at this chick and I thought "how unfortunate"... she looks unfortunate... she has pretty features but she doesn't wear them well, like, if you only look at her mouth it is nice, or you only look at her eyes, they are nice, her nose, nice, hair, well that needs some work... but when you put them together, like compile them, she doesn't look that hot... I imagine that when she hangs out with her friends she is not the one that gets hit on, she is the one that ends up with the ugly dude, I imagine she gets abused by the only type of guys that would have her, you know what I mean, but she might get lucky one day, maybe some nice crosseyed dude will not be able to focus on all her features at once and find her beauty in her parts... oh, and I find her to be stumpy... squat... which are not terms of description you normally hear when speaking of great beauty...
and the trend continues, somehow I followed a path, decided to look up Rage Against the Machine, 'cuz I love de la Rocha's voice, you know, and on the wikipedia page there is a picture of one of their album covers, so I clicked on that and it took me to a page about this buddhist monk that practiced self immolation to protest the Vietnamese governments oppression of buddhism, basically he poured gas all over himself, sat down on a busy street corner and lit a match... no fanfair, no big speeches, just sat down and did it... apparently there were thousands of people around and everyone just watched, some cried...
Now dig this, witnesses say that as he burned he never moved, didn't make a sound, never broke the lotus position, Dude, he was totally focused in what he was doing, he was a 67 year old monk, a master...
Now dig THIS... after he was dead his body was taken and cremated (Uh, thats what it said) and when it was all over all that was left was his heart, his shrunken heart, it would not burn, well, any more, it is thought to be sacred, it is a relic now, on display at his temple... I guess he has a nice big stupa dedicated to him, he is very well thought of...
Hhhmmnnnn, I wonder if I am going to die today... If I happen to go I would like to mention to some of you that I loved you, to others of you, eh, I kinda liked you, oh, and most of the rest of you can kiss my ass... I don't want no fancy funeral (can't spell funeral without fun), I'm kinda thinkin you can just prop me up somewheres, like in the corner, and everyone can mingle around the room pretending that it is a celebration of my life, when actually everyone is just a bit freaked out, and there will be drinking because it sounds like a good idea, then someone maybe will start crying and people will say things that start with "Remember when.." or "Remember that time..." or "that asshole", stuff like that... and if everything works out I will kinda tumble over out of the chair or whatever shit ya'll put me in (better put me in a papasan chair, a big one, and people can take turns getting in next to me and getting their picture taken) and someone will have to grab me and try to prop me back up... maybe think about stapling my shirt to the wall... then, when the party is over and ya'll are cleaning up you can just toss me out like a dirty old popped party balloon, like accidentally leave me laying in the yard as you leave and conveniently forget to pick me back up... I will be someone elses problem at that point, let them deal with it...
OR DUDE!!! better yet, real late, when everyone is good and loaded maybe ya'll can come up with some hairbrained half-assed plan, like to put me on the top of the water tower, or toss me off the space needle or something... and I say GO FOR IT!!! or feed me to some goats, that would be cool... or a pig, yeah, no... no need to blasphemy... OK, its a plan... go for it...
Have I mentioned lately how my wife ROCKS!!! For real... Hey Baby!!! Thanks for Rockin' so hard...
So then I started thinking about the inevitability of death, the real one, you know, like, how we are all gonna die one day. You know, I am not really sad at at thought, not right now (gimme a few minutes, that might change)... and I had this huge, uh, speach? diatribe? whats that called, Lecture, all done up and was presenting it to the audience in my head (they hang on my everyword and there is a girl in the front row wearing a skirt and it is all pulled up and she doesn't have any panties on, or a bra, and neither does the girl next to her)... I was fabulous, talking about how different people of different beliefs, uh, believe in different things (wtf?) about what happens when it is all over... From St. Peter hanging out at the pearly gates (declaring us the nicest of the damned) to something about a bunch of virgins and stuff (ok, that I don't understand, so you martyr yourself, go someplace where you are given a bunch of virgins, lets say 10, so they are virgins so that you can be their first, then they are no longer virgins, just 10 gals hanging out with you and then what? what are you going to do with 10 non-virgins now that you are dead? I am sure that is a gross simplification, but I am lost)... Oh, and like me, I am this close {} to enlightenment (looks like a butt, huh) and so I get to continue on until I have the option of opting out, although I wouldn't because I need to come back and help the rest of you... ahh, I was gonna go on, but shant...
So I was thinking about that this morning and I was sitting on the bus and I got these songs that came on that seemed to be all about death and/or moving on or something (except "Hey Boy" which is about how this chick sat outside at this party and just talked with this dude for a hour or two and she thought that something could be starting, but then the dude never called and she is asking why?)...
So I am sitting there wondering if there is a connection or if I was making the connection up when I looked accross the aisle from me and the Sausage is staring at me again... sunken eyes (blue) and huge chin and forehead (and not in a good way) so I did my deal where I pretend I am a visitor at the zoo, looking through the glass at the monkey and wondering if they are actually seeing me when they stare back, and somehow the gaze was broken, so I looked over and the fidgity redhead was sitting next to him pretending to sleep so the Sausage wouldn't try to talk to her (he tries to talk to her I have noticed) and I still had the whole death thing on my mind and I looked at this chick and I thought "how unfortunate"... she looks unfortunate... she has pretty features but she doesn't wear them well, like, if you only look at her mouth it is nice, or you only look at her eyes, they are nice, her nose, nice, hair, well that needs some work... but when you put them together, like compile them, she doesn't look that hot... I imagine that when she hangs out with her friends she is not the one that gets hit on, she is the one that ends up with the ugly dude, I imagine she gets abused by the only type of guys that would have her, you know what I mean, but she might get lucky one day, maybe some nice crosseyed dude will not be able to focus on all her features at once and find her beauty in her parts... oh, and I find her to be stumpy... squat... which are not terms of description you normally hear when speaking of great beauty...
and the trend continues, somehow I followed a path, decided to look up Rage Against the Machine, 'cuz I love de la Rocha's voice, you know, and on the wikipedia page there is a picture of one of their album covers, so I clicked on that and it took me to a page about this buddhist monk that practiced self immolation to protest the Vietnamese governments oppression of buddhism, basically he poured gas all over himself, sat down on a busy street corner and lit a match... no fanfair, no big speeches, just sat down and did it... apparently there were thousands of people around and everyone just watched, some cried...
Now dig this, witnesses say that as he burned he never moved, didn't make a sound, never broke the lotus position, Dude, he was totally focused in what he was doing, he was a 67 year old monk, a master...
Now dig THIS... after he was dead his body was taken and cremated (Uh, thats what it said) and when it was all over all that was left was his heart, his shrunken heart, it would not burn, well, any more, it is thought to be sacred, it is a relic now, on display at his temple... I guess he has a nice big stupa dedicated to him, he is very well thought of...
Hhhmmnnnn, I wonder if I am going to die today... If I happen to go I would like to mention to some of you that I loved you, to others of you, eh, I kinda liked you, oh, and most of the rest of you can kiss my ass... I don't want no fancy funeral (can't spell funeral without fun), I'm kinda thinkin you can just prop me up somewheres, like in the corner, and everyone can mingle around the room pretending that it is a celebration of my life, when actually everyone is just a bit freaked out, and there will be drinking because it sounds like a good idea, then someone maybe will start crying and people will say things that start with "Remember when.." or "Remember that time..." or "that asshole", stuff like that... and if everything works out I will kinda tumble over out of the chair or whatever shit ya'll put me in (better put me in a papasan chair, a big one, and people can take turns getting in next to me and getting their picture taken) and someone will have to grab me and try to prop me back up... maybe think about stapling my shirt to the wall... then, when the party is over and ya'll are cleaning up you can just toss me out like a dirty old popped party balloon, like accidentally leave me laying in the yard as you leave and conveniently forget to pick me back up... I will be someone elses problem at that point, let them deal with it...
OR DUDE!!! better yet, real late, when everyone is good and loaded maybe ya'll can come up with some hairbrained half-assed plan, like to put me on the top of the water tower, or toss me off the space needle or something... and I say GO FOR IT!!! or feed me to some goats, that would be cool... or a pig, yeah, no... no need to blasphemy... OK, its a plan... go for it...
Have I mentioned lately how my wife ROCKS!!! For real... Hey Baby!!! Thanks for Rockin' so hard...

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