
When I get down to it, and I can't think of anything but CRAP, I look to Bukowski... I think it is time for a mega dose, a little saturation, set my mind at ease...
Look here, if you are not familiar with my man Bukowski
Hey, lookie here... Free Samples:
haul ass, wonder woman
Pain is as classical as the arrow
that flys
but it can get dreary
like old shoes under the bed
or maybe we'd better say
anyhow, get yours out of
I figure, now, that if I do end up running away one day, I will not end up in a fish and chips restaurant by the sea... nor as a hotel desk clerk in Canada (had always imagined Moose Jaw or Montreal for some reason)...
No, if I disappear, and my body is not mysteriously found some few days later (we can't tell how he died, but it looks like he had a spider bite on his thigh, very suspicious, really) you might try looking in Argentina, Patagonia to be precise. Figure I might take off and try my hand at gauchoing... you know, be a gaucho... riding the high plains of patagonia, on a horse, chewing on coca leaves, eating steak... thats the life for me, boy... I will name my horse goddamnit... it will be easier that way, since I will probably be saying goddamnit all the time, like, goddamnit my butt hurts, or, goddamnit, when I pull on the reins you stop, you hear me...
Actually, maybe I will be a vaquero instead... gauchos wear puffy shirts and puffy pants and scarves... they are colorful people, but damn, people think I am gay now, imagine what kind of crap I would get dressing like that... Vaqueros, though, they get to wear chaps... which is still kinda gay, but at least it is butch... only problem is I would have to be a few thousand miles north of the plains... hmmnn... what was that movie? with some dude, riding a motorcycle, he was a dentist, Daniel Day-Lewis? Eversmile, New Jersey... it will be like that. I will be like Fergus, a dentist, and cruise around patagonia in chaps on my motorcycle, and I will be accosted by the most attractive women in Argentina who mistake my attention to their dental hygeine for love, sweet sweet love... except I will be a cowboy of some sort... Dammit, I don't know... really, it will involve the high plains of Argentina and eating steak... and my name Johnson, Johnson Everlong...
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