Monday, October 02, 2006

a spy in the house of love...

so we moved up to the 3rd floor. The nosebleeds have stopped and I no longer feel lightheaded all the time. I made a remark to someone, in response to her asking me what I was doing on the 3rd floor, and don't I belong on the 3rd floor, something to the affect of moving on up and being "elite" now. Did this mostly for the benefit of an original 3rd floor person. Dude, he looked totally tweaked after I said that. kept his eyes down low and ran away. I was going to chase him down and say something to him, like, dude, whats up? It's ok... Now I feel sorry for him... somehow me rising to elite status and him already being elite and now just the same as the rest of us, well, you know, he probably has esteem issues, or his predjudice is all confused cause he hated us, but now we are him, now he hates us but then he hates himself, but how can this be and he is not one of us... stuff like that... I wanted to hug him, tell him it was going to be ok.. but then I started thinking about him crying and shit, getting his teardrops on my shirt and me having to stand there and pat pat pat him on the back like I care but really I am just waiting for him to stop so I can stop and be a man again... damn... so I just let him run off... I could probably find him if I listened for the sobbing coming from under a desk somewhere, or perhaps find them sitting in a meeting somewhere talking about what are they going to do now that we have invaded... like ants we are... swarming all over the place, harmless, for the most part, but really a nusuiance (screw spelling)...
But, man, on the 3 floor, there are like 3 extra flights of stairs to get up here, which in the morning is no big deal, my legs kinda hurt when I get to the top for some reason, but I get there... but damn, going down at the end of the day is a trip... See, I go down, then I turn to the left, then go down and turn to the left and go down and turn to the left and rinse and repeat a couple more times... by the time I get to the bottom and I give it a little squeeze, what.. oh, I mean, I get to the bottom, well, before the bottom, after 2 turns I am all confused like, where the hell am I, then I make a couple more turns and I am at WTF then one more turn and I am at the bottom, then I pat it... no, then I am at the bottom and I am all like, damn, thats fucked up... shouldn't have to make that many turns or something... it always seems like too far, but there I am... Now I get to open the door and I have NO idea what it is like outside... I haven't see "outside" all day... no matter what it is like it is weird... if it is hot out I am all like damn it is hot, and bright... If it is cold out I am all like, damn, it is cold, whats up with that... and if it is just right I am all like, huh, strange... but it is always too big... there is no 18 ft. ceiling, no gentle cubicle walls holding me in, no difuse bland colors to keep me from getting too worked up... life outside the cacoon is spooky and intimidating...
I sat next to the convict today... I don't know if he was more scared of someone thinking he was a homo for sitting next to me, or if I was more scared he was going to make me get off the bus with him so he could rape me... we sat in silence... right in front of us sat this kid, he looks fucked up.. his hair is all thin and he is pasty like he has aids or is a major tweaker... he looks wasted, washed up and used... next to him sat the chick that needed to have her thong adjusted the other day... she has an unfortunate chin, like not much of a chin at all, besides being a redhead this is her biggest flaw... oh, that and the whore brand across the bottom of her back... and being this close (fingers this far apart) to being a midgit (to hell with spelling)... so overall she sucks... except that she has boobs and is kinda cute somewhere in there... so the convict next to me, I was thinking that this is probably the first woman he has seen since he got out of the slammer and he is probably wondering how to get it on with her... or how to attack her as he gets off the bus... he is viscious... He is the kind of guy you don't want to have introduced to you as your current loves ex... Something about dirty hands or something... I don't know... I will leave it... but, damn, the bus is crowded these days... I watch everyone sleep... I wait for my chance to pull the driver from his seat after he has a heart attack and drive the bus to safety... like on speed... and Sandra Bullock will be my girlfriend in real life and we will spend her money cause I got none, but it will be no big deal cause we have this understanding that it ain't about the money and what's mine is hers and whats hers is mine and we will joke about keanu reeves and about how Jason Lee should have played Neo in the Matrix... and how Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy would have been SOO much better if Terry Gilliam had directed it, then we will have an akward silence over our wine (red for her, I like white) because we seem to agree about everything... Heh, then Jonathan Richman will break up the silence with a song about how dificult it is when it is so easy and we will smile...

For the record... Gloryhole = 1 hit...
Scat is far more popular... hmmnn...
