a priest, in the Temple of Syrinx...
Today is going to be LOOOONNNGGGG, I can just feel it...
so I was listening to the Rush this morning, Temple of Syrinx, on the bus, I was diggin it, things were going well... I was remembering some most likely imaginary night where it was dark and summertime and I was riding in a car and we had this song blasting... a good old timey summer memory, you dig.. and I was smiling, smiling on the bus, which is rare (no showing emotion on the bus, yo) and I looked up, accross from me was the fidgity redhead (I have decided she is a midget, never fully formed in the womb) and I looked over to the Sausage, who was sitting next to her, and he was looking at me and smiling, and I realized I was smiling at the same time and it was like WE WERE SMILING AT EACH OTHER or something... I got a head rush, like when you cut your finger off and know it is about to hurt, whats that called, shock, yes, I went into shock, got all clammy, sweaty and cold at the same time... it passed, but the music never recovered...
Thats all, I mean, it was just a moment or two, on the bus, you know...
Hey, maybe if I get all jacked up on coffee... yes, that should solve everything...
OK, so I had this dream last night, I was at this party, it was a family friendly party or something, not like a hardcore deal, just some people... I remember talking to this girl and hoping that my wife wouldn't get mad, although I wasn't doing anything, really, but I felt like I was sneaking to talk to this chick... it was weird, so anyhow, me and this girl ended up sitting on the floor, and there were these balls, like big ones, kids balls, and we were rolling them back and forth, and I thought this was risky activity, you know, because we were playing together or something, and we weren't talking, just smiling at each other, and she started rolling this ball towards me and there were words on the ball, and I understood that her name was one of the words, so each time she rolled the ball over I would read the word on top and it was always something stupid, like Everlast, and I would look at it and say "Everlast?" like that was maybe her name and she would shake her head and I would roll the ball back and she would roll it to me again and it would say something like 10psi and I would say "10psi" (even though I knew that was stupid) and she would smile and shake her head and I would roll it back to her... and we went through this a few times and while we were doing it I would look around to see if my wife was watching or anything, but noone was paying us any attention, so finally she rolled the ball over to me and I stopped it and started reading the word at the top, but she leaned over to me and stopped me and turned the ball until her name was on top and I read it like 3 or 4 times, it was something weird, like Milot or Mileot or something, I remember it seemed to rearrange itself a few times until I came up with something, so I figured it out and said her name and we looked at each other and she smiled real big at me like I was such a smart boy for figuring it out, and I was happy to have figured it out, everything was very friendly, and right then the alarm went off... and I am not sure how I feel about that...
So I put up some more pictures...
Here is one of them.

There are a bunch of the latest sleepover, uhh, and stuff...
Here you go
so I was listening to the Rush this morning, Temple of Syrinx, on the bus, I was diggin it, things were going well... I was remembering some most likely imaginary night where it was dark and summertime and I was riding in a car and we had this song blasting... a good old timey summer memory, you dig.. and I was smiling, smiling on the bus, which is rare (no showing emotion on the bus, yo) and I looked up, accross from me was the fidgity redhead (I have decided she is a midget, never fully formed in the womb) and I looked over to the Sausage, who was sitting next to her, and he was looking at me and smiling, and I realized I was smiling at the same time and it was like WE WERE SMILING AT EACH OTHER or something... I got a head rush, like when you cut your finger off and know it is about to hurt, whats that called, shock, yes, I went into shock, got all clammy, sweaty and cold at the same time... it passed, but the music never recovered...
Thats all, I mean, it was just a moment or two, on the bus, you know...
Hey, maybe if I get all jacked up on coffee... yes, that should solve everything...
OK, so I had this dream last night, I was at this party, it was a family friendly party or something, not like a hardcore deal, just some people... I remember talking to this girl and hoping that my wife wouldn't get mad, although I wasn't doing anything, really, but I felt like I was sneaking to talk to this chick... it was weird, so anyhow, me and this girl ended up sitting on the floor, and there were these balls, like big ones, kids balls, and we were rolling them back and forth, and I thought this was risky activity, you know, because we were playing together or something, and we weren't talking, just smiling at each other, and she started rolling this ball towards me and there were words on the ball, and I understood that her name was one of the words, so each time she rolled the ball over I would read the word on top and it was always something stupid, like Everlast, and I would look at it and say "Everlast?" like that was maybe her name and she would shake her head and I would roll the ball back and she would roll it to me again and it would say something like 10psi and I would say "10psi" (even though I knew that was stupid) and she would smile and shake her head and I would roll it back to her... and we went through this a few times and while we were doing it I would look around to see if my wife was watching or anything, but noone was paying us any attention, so finally she rolled the ball over to me and I stopped it and started reading the word at the top, but she leaned over to me and stopped me and turned the ball until her name was on top and I read it like 3 or 4 times, it was something weird, like Milot or Mileot or something, I remember it seemed to rearrange itself a few times until I came up with something, so I figured it out and said her name and we looked at each other and she smiled real big at me like I was such a smart boy for figuring it out, and I was happy to have figured it out, everything was very friendly, and right then the alarm went off... and I am not sure how I feel about that...
So I put up some more pictures...
Here is one of them.

There are a bunch of the latest sleepover, uhh, and stuff...
Here you go
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