like a birthday or a pretty view
I hate to say it, but I am leaning toward "A View to a Kill" as my favorite Duran Duran song... or Union of the Snake... definately NOT The Reflex... damn thing is stuck in my head...
Due to lack of an update from Chuck as to his love life, I am going to make some assumptions, with all the love in the world...
1) new place did not pan out for one reason or another so no place to go.
2) asked the girlfriend if she farted and she said she did and thought it was pretty funny, and it was not in bed so he couldn't pull the covers over her head to gas her out...
3) he really actually does love her and wants to be with her for the rest of his natural life, and beyond... theirs is the one true love like in Princess Bride, he being Wesley and she being the chick... I will play Enigo Montoyoa...
4) Things came up, there was a film playing, company came from out of town, the opportunity never arose, there was a flood, the car broke down, he had to borrow money, she's pregnant and he has to wait for the blood results to come back, and stuff...
5) My favorite reason for not being able to break up with someone: they will not let you... He pulled the trigger, she caught the bullet in her teeth, thus they are still together, whats that legal term, something about no body no crime... he couldn't kill her so they have to stay together... pretty simple really...
It's cool dude, no puss points for not breaking up... and, yes, you can be AMAZED by my powers of divination...
OK, insert huge rant here about: Government, NY, aftermath of the twin towers going down, etc...
Basic premise being that the general government is bad, namely on the Federal level, President and all his people, evil... can't be trusted... shenanigans and not in a good way... expect a bunch of people to get charged with crimes after the midterm elections so that Bush will have time to pardon them all before he is out of office... for real... Oh, and breathing in the smoke from burning rubble, not good, despite what anyone would tell you, just because it is fluffy white smoke does not mean it will not harm you...
Funny, I was trying to explain to my lovely wife how I appreciate her, and somehow it popped into my head that a grand expression of my love would be to kill something... yeah, kill... I don't know... it just kinda was there, it was like, I wish I could kill something to prove how much you mean to me... Dude, how primal is that? Or serial killery? I prefer primal, like I am a lion or something, and I am stalking some prey, like a gazelle, and after I kill it but biting into its neck and suffocating it I will drag it back to the den and share it with her and the cubs... and she can lick the blood off my mane... and we can do it like on the Discovery Channel (yeah, yeah, blood hound gang)...
Now, that is not how the thought fully developed in my brain... no, it was just, hey, maybe I should kill something for her. I didn't have a person in mind or a thing or anything... but now that I think of it, maybe it could be all grand and we could have an alter and black candles and red velvet and we could spill some blood and smear it all over ourselves...
Oh, yeah, but that was just made up just now... I guess I am trippin' cause I don't usually kill things or think about killing things, and am confused cause I wouldn't know how to really go about killing something and then showing the lovely wife how I had done it and how it was all for her in a way that would really show her how deeply I care... you know what I mean? Like, how would you present something like that? Not only the carcass, but the message... with a card taped to it? I don't know...

Dude, Grapefruit Airborne... Tasty (note the capital T)... I am gonna bulk up (beefcake) on the airborne until it is gone. 3 times a day, I figure, and I should be good... although I could use some sick time... Cough, cough, eh, I have gone blind... can't see coming to work today...
I don't feel like being sick, although I don't feel like being here, but I have nowhere else to go... Dude, you wanna know a secret? Once we get the Cordoba all suped up, I may take it to "work" one day, but not actually "go to work"... I may go to centralia and hit the outlet stores... ssshhhh... or hit the Alberto outlet store and sit in the car eating processed meat sticks and drinking a big gulp down by the river...
OK, so the new Nintendo Wii...
Reason #1 for getting it... BANG
Reason #2 : You can play gamecube games on it... Yeah!!!
Due to lack of an update from Chuck as to his love life, I am going to make some assumptions, with all the love in the world...
1) new place did not pan out for one reason or another so no place to go.
2) asked the girlfriend if she farted and she said she did and thought it was pretty funny, and it was not in bed so he couldn't pull the covers over her head to gas her out...
3) he really actually does love her and wants to be with her for the rest of his natural life, and beyond... theirs is the one true love like in Princess Bride, he being Wesley and she being the chick... I will play Enigo Montoyoa...
4) Things came up, there was a film playing, company came from out of town, the opportunity never arose, there was a flood, the car broke down, he had to borrow money, she's pregnant and he has to wait for the blood results to come back, and stuff...
5) My favorite reason for not being able to break up with someone: they will not let you... He pulled the trigger, she caught the bullet in her teeth, thus they are still together, whats that legal term, something about no body no crime... he couldn't kill her so they have to stay together... pretty simple really...
It's cool dude, no puss points for not breaking up... and, yes, you can be AMAZED by my powers of divination...
OK, insert huge rant here about: Government, NY, aftermath of the twin towers going down, etc...
Basic premise being that the general government is bad, namely on the Federal level, President and all his people, evil... can't be trusted... shenanigans and not in a good way... expect a bunch of people to get charged with crimes after the midterm elections so that Bush will have time to pardon them all before he is out of office... for real... Oh, and breathing in the smoke from burning rubble, not good, despite what anyone would tell you, just because it is fluffy white smoke does not mean it will not harm you...
Funny, I was trying to explain to my lovely wife how I appreciate her, and somehow it popped into my head that a grand expression of my love would be to kill something... yeah, kill... I don't know... it just kinda was there, it was like, I wish I could kill something to prove how much you mean to me... Dude, how primal is that? Or serial killery? I prefer primal, like I am a lion or something, and I am stalking some prey, like a gazelle, and after I kill it but biting into its neck and suffocating it I will drag it back to the den and share it with her and the cubs... and she can lick the blood off my mane... and we can do it like on the Discovery Channel (yeah, yeah, blood hound gang)...
Now, that is not how the thought fully developed in my brain... no, it was just, hey, maybe I should kill something for her. I didn't have a person in mind or a thing or anything... but now that I think of it, maybe it could be all grand and we could have an alter and black candles and red velvet and we could spill some blood and smear it all over ourselves...
Oh, yeah, but that was just made up just now... I guess I am trippin' cause I don't usually kill things or think about killing things, and am confused cause I wouldn't know how to really go about killing something and then showing the lovely wife how I had done it and how it was all for her in a way that would really show her how deeply I care... you know what I mean? Like, how would you present something like that? Not only the carcass, but the message... with a card taped to it? I don't know...

Dude, Grapefruit Airborne... Tasty (note the capital T)... I am gonna bulk up (beefcake) on the airborne until it is gone. 3 times a day, I figure, and I should be good... although I could use some sick time... Cough, cough, eh, I have gone blind... can't see coming to work today...
I don't feel like being sick, although I don't feel like being here, but I have nowhere else to go... Dude, you wanna know a secret? Once we get the Cordoba all suped up, I may take it to "work" one day, but not actually "go to work"... I may go to centralia and hit the outlet stores... ssshhhh... or hit the Alberto outlet store and sit in the car eating processed meat sticks and drinking a big gulp down by the river...
OK, so the new Nintendo Wii...
Reason #1 for getting it... BANG
Reason #2 : You can play gamecube games on it... Yeah!!!
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