Quick, like a brown fox or something...

Oh, yeah, I did the pork thing on Saturday. Started with 5 pounds of pork and ended up with 8 pounds... that is the magic of pork. It is super tasty and at this point you should be able to think up all sort of remarks that include the following words: Trey, Tasty, Pork, in my mouth, yum...
In other news, apparently today has been chosen as "drive daddy insane day"...
Or, to be fair, perhaps it is "daddy is insane and the world is not cooperating day"
One way or another there are frowns and scowls and shrieks and shouting and cleaning supplies and stuff... I think it all came from this:
I was all busy sleeping in my own big boy bed and at about 4am I was woken up by someone whining (in a tiny little voice) that they did not have enough room, and to stop touching me and stuff... I know, I know, but really, this did happen AGAIN... so AGAIN I found myself with about 2 1/2 inches of bed real estate and was being pushed even farther, so I got up and went and slept on the couch... Now, the couch in not comfortable, it is too short, and not wide enough... but I laid there for a few hours until the chirren figured out I was not in the big bed any longer and if they wanted to drive me insane (more insane) they would need to get up and come out to the living room to do it...
Then the beautiful wife comes out and immediately starts cleaning. Now the house was a mess, but if someone gets up and the first thing they do is start cleaning there is something wrong... I assume, of course, that the something wrong is me... I know, I know, that's ridiculous, but really, I have no other something something...
So things are quiet again, perhaps the lull before the storm... hmmnnn...
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