a big fan of Pies, Taco's and wild Beavers...
I did an quick survey at Home, the demographic being girls between the ages of 4 and 8, and posed this question:
"You know what?"
Overwhelmingly the answer to this question was, you guessed it:
I was a bit suprised that 100% of the girls between the ages of 4 and 8 would have this answer, so I followed up with the question:
"Do you know what is under there?"
Again, the response was immediate and overwhelmingly:
Furthermore, I can see your buttcrack...
Less commonly, it has been determined that you should:
Stop looking at me!!!
I didn't do anything!!!
I decided to step it up a notch and took a list of words to my wife for her to respond to... I wanted to do this in a very informal setting, so waited until we were at my parents house...
First word... PIE...
I got no response, so I tried mixing it up...
Can I hold your PIE? and Nice PIE.
Want me to do something with your PIE?
Overwhelmingly the response back to these questions were something along the lines of me being an asshole... I believe the most common response was: You're an asshole!
Similar response to the comment: Nice Beaver!!!
Bunch of new pictures up on Flickr...
Click on the homo to get there...

Man, I got nothin today...
Oh, it was mentioned that some people just LOVE peaking at my stuff... they also enjoy reading my blog (boom boom chaaa)... but they can't think of a good nickname for themselves... Damn, you should have let me know... I can make one up for you... We could be like the Ramones, yo, only it would be like Trey Ramone, or Trey Bootywiffer... or Stefpoonie... whatever... We are all friends here... except for Larry Lagasa... screw you Larry!!! I still hate you!!! oh, and Rainwater!!! Lick it, Rainwater!!! You Suck!!!
Oh, and theoretically speaking, but not really, say you were going to break up with someone, but like, your anniversary was coming up, or Xmas, or Festivus, or Friday, whatever is important to you on your holiday schedule... it is my feeling that it would be just fine to break up before, on, or after any of these events... maybe might delay if they had concert tickets, or they owed you money or something... but there would be no need to delay just because it was the holiday season, right? That is my opinion, in case anyone were wondering... Also acceptable is having noplace to go yet... OK to delay until you do as long as it is not a year or two down the road... Also ok to delay if they are the ultimate evil and a slight delay might CRUSH them even harder... I, of course, believe that the best time to break up with someone is when you have fallen in love with an angel, but that is just how I roll...
Speaking of gay butt sex, not really though, I was thinking that the most anal thing about me is the loading of the dishwasher. I do not know why, but things have GOTTA be in the right order and location or it is wrong wrong wrong. I have been known to unload a dishwasher and reload it if I find it is not done correctly... Damn, I hope that is as bad as I get... I don't think the bathroom thing is really the same, that is more of a survival thing...
But I have this feeling that there is some sort of tick or emotional freaky deaky thing thiat I am not aware of that everyone in a room would all say they have noticed...
I remember playing this game with some friends once, something called what I hate about you or something... we went around the room and told the person of the moment what we did not like about them... we were pretty loaded, and suprisingly not a lot of bad feelings came from it... I was looking forward to my turn and the best everyone could come up with was that I moved my arms or hands or something too much when I spoke... yeah... I was pissed... thats it? So if I stop moving my arms I will be perfect? Hhhmnnn... I have always assumed, to this day, that they were scared to say anything more than that for fear that I would kill 'em all... go on some sort of rampage and just kinda leave them bloody and dead and shit... hmmnn...
"You know what?"
Overwhelmingly the answer to this question was, you guessed it:
I was a bit suprised that 100% of the girls between the ages of 4 and 8 would have this answer, so I followed up with the question:
"Do you know what is under there?"
Again, the response was immediate and overwhelmingly:
Furthermore, I can see your buttcrack...
Less commonly, it has been determined that you should:
Stop looking at me!!!
I didn't do anything!!!
I decided to step it up a notch and took a list of words to my wife for her to respond to... I wanted to do this in a very informal setting, so waited until we were at my parents house...
First word... PIE...
I got no response, so I tried mixing it up...
Can I hold your PIE? and Nice PIE.
Want me to do something with your PIE?
Overwhelmingly the response back to these questions were something along the lines of me being an asshole... I believe the most common response was: You're an asshole!
Similar response to the comment: Nice Beaver!!!
Bunch of new pictures up on Flickr...
Click on the homo to get there...

Man, I got nothin today...
Oh, it was mentioned that some people just LOVE peaking at my stuff... they also enjoy reading my blog (boom boom chaaa)... but they can't think of a good nickname for themselves... Damn, you should have let me know... I can make one up for you... We could be like the Ramones, yo, only it would be like Trey Ramone, or Trey Bootywiffer... or Stefpoonie... whatever... We are all friends here... except for Larry Lagasa... screw you Larry!!! I still hate you!!! oh, and Rainwater!!! Lick it, Rainwater!!! You Suck!!!
Oh, and theoretically speaking, but not really, say you were going to break up with someone, but like, your anniversary was coming up, or Xmas, or Festivus, or Friday, whatever is important to you on your holiday schedule... it is my feeling that it would be just fine to break up before, on, or after any of these events... maybe might delay if they had concert tickets, or they owed you money or something... but there would be no need to delay just because it was the holiday season, right? That is my opinion, in case anyone were wondering... Also acceptable is having noplace to go yet... OK to delay until you do as long as it is not a year or two down the road... Also ok to delay if they are the ultimate evil and a slight delay might CRUSH them even harder... I, of course, believe that the best time to break up with someone is when you have fallen in love with an angel, but that is just how I roll...
Speaking of gay butt sex, not really though, I was thinking that the most anal thing about me is the loading of the dishwasher. I do not know why, but things have GOTTA be in the right order and location or it is wrong wrong wrong. I have been known to unload a dishwasher and reload it if I find it is not done correctly... Damn, I hope that is as bad as I get... I don't think the bathroom thing is really the same, that is more of a survival thing...
But I have this feeling that there is some sort of tick or emotional freaky deaky thing thiat I am not aware of that everyone in a room would all say they have noticed...
I remember playing this game with some friends once, something called what I hate about you or something... we went around the room and told the person of the moment what we did not like about them... we were pretty loaded, and suprisingly not a lot of bad feelings came from it... I was looking forward to my turn and the best everyone could come up with was that I moved my arms or hands or something too much when I spoke... yeah... I was pissed... thats it? So if I stop moving my arms I will be perfect? Hhhmnnn... I have always assumed, to this day, that they were scared to say anything more than that for fear that I would kill 'em all... go on some sort of rampage and just kinda leave them bloody and dead and shit... hmmnn...
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