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I am picturing some sort of opium den, velvet on the walls, big comfy bed and/or pillows strewn about the room and white rabbit playing low in a continual loop... Of course this image also includes random nudity and pork products, not at the same time, perhaps... Sea air would be nice, perhaps hotsprings... ahhh, I can almost imagine the silence... sweet sweet silence...
Oh, here are some pictures, do the clickety-click thing to make them real big... The first picture has already been stolen and posted on the red bears blog...

I met this friendly bear while we were in Medora... One thing led to another and, well, you get the picture...
This is the steak that resulted from the Pitchfork Fondue. It was lucious. I think that everything is just a little better after it has been deepfried. If someone dipped ME in hot oil I would rise from the oil glowing like Krishna and shit... Holy, yo!!!
These are the pitchforks I mentioned. I figure they went through something like 2000 steaks in about half an hour...
Down one of the side streets in McHenry... Road seems to go on for ever and ever, eh? I think this was very pleasant.
Behind the abandoned school in town there was an abandoned playground with a big ass slide. I figured if the girls tried to go down it they would disappear into some sort of time warp and reappear 20 years in the past and start crying and shit, so I wouldn't let them go... It looked hella rickety anyhow...
These are on the Enchanted Highway. I figure it should not be called this, more like real interesting highway, not quite enchanted yet...
These were like the punk ass bufallo from the herd of buffalo we plowed through in the Spirit Lake area... The one on the far left is my favorite cause he's got a broken horn... I figure he is either the bad boy in the herd or he used to be but is now getting his life back in order but still bears the scars from that knifefight he got into when he was in Juvi...
This is also on the Enchanted Highway. Huge friggin scultures... See my beautiful old lady real tiny compared to the sculpture? Yeah...
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