Vacation Day: 1

Slept in today, clear up till 6am...
Got my day all planned out... gonna make pigs in a blanket chili dogs with sour cream and maybe some chili fries, except I will have to use the 3 half potatoes in the fridge from the other night... hows that for a plan...
This trip may not be so bad... I was looking at pictures online last night, and when the family was in the room I pretended to be looking at pictures of places for our trip (zing, just a tiny one, bad, uh, mechanics, not enough build up, you were supposed to think, oh never mind) and it turns out that the one place we are going (Medora) was a built by this crazy french asshole who everybody hated (duh) and smelled real bad (duh) and stuff... he married this rich chick, took her daddies money and built a town. Named it after her, her name was medora, duh...
He was going to raise cattle (free range) and then kill them and ship the meat back to Chicago... but he built the town in this place we like to call "badlands" which typically means that doing things here and hoping for success is not a good idea... so there was a drought, the cattle died, noone wanted them anyway cause they like grain fed cattle not free range stringy beef... so people lost money, dude killed a couple other ranchers, did some other unhappy type things and then left (funny, not sure what happened to his wife, she is only really mentioned when they say the town was named after her, hhmmnn)... I guess the only thing left is a smokestack from the old meat packing plant... that and some big ass house...
So that is cool, and the Medora Musical should be really funky... there is supposed to be this comedian dude there, some chinese acrobats, a shit load of old people, and a butt load of wholesome family values... Oh, and the pitchfork fondue... did I mention the old people?
Seems that in the summer months, when people go on vacation, the hip people usually migrate to the outer edges of the US, or at least up in the mountains or down in the gullies, and the old people head for the midwest... That is a huge generalization, but I am gonna roll with it... I expect many old people and hope to start a fight somewhere along the way about the government getting rid of the penny... I bet I can get some old people way agitated with that...
Anyhow... if I don't have anything to say tomorrow I will post something from the road, Missoula... Hotel has wifi, gotta do it...
Oh, click that friggin picture...
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