not right in the head, this is why I like you...
As promised, may I present, The Sausage...
As an aside, there to the right is the dude that looks like Erik Estrada's uncle... and there, right behind the sausage, is the gal with the unhappy face, with the mouth that points down... Dude, I was sitting right accross from her today... I think she is special or something... she made the bus wait for her while she came strolling up the street, she was walking with her ELBOWS OUT!!! Serious, she was all walking like a she had read a book on 'walking, the proper way' and chapter 3 said to walk with your ELBOWS OUT LIKE AN IDIOT or something... and I noticed, as she sat there, looking all frowny and shit, that with her mouth like this it made her a natural mouth breather... serious, it wasn't forced or conscious, jut naturally asperated or something... all slack jawed and AARHGGGHGHGH I hate her... Ok, so she is sitting behind the sausage, I think you can see the stupid in her eyes...
Dude, Bonus, there lies the mighty snagle tooth, note the majestic fanny pack... not the supine position she finds herself in, regal in her splendor she naps in lumpy uh, splendor... my angle was bad, but if I had stood up and shot downwards we could have seen the sun glinting off her mighty snag... some mornings I am super lucky and get to see the sun rise on one side of the bus, and glint off her tooth on the other side, like I am surrounded by glory or something...
Ahh, and here is a nice little collage of the graffiti on the back side of the produce warehouse...
As an aside, there to the right is the dude that looks like Erik Estrada's uncle... and there, right behind the sausage, is the gal with the unhappy face, with the mouth that points down... Dude, I was sitting right accross from her today... I think she is special or something... she made the bus wait for her while she came strolling up the street, she was walking with her ELBOWS OUT!!! Serious, she was all walking like a she had read a book on 'walking, the proper way' and chapter 3 said to walk with your ELBOWS OUT LIKE AN IDIOT or something... and I noticed, as she sat there, looking all frowny and shit, that with her mouth like this it made her a natural mouth breather... serious, it wasn't forced or conscious, jut naturally asperated or something... all slack jawed and AARHGGGHGHGH I hate her... Ok, so she is sitting behind the sausage, I think you can see the stupid in her eyes...
Dude, Bonus, there lies the mighty snagle tooth, note the majestic fanny pack... not the supine position she finds herself in, regal in her splendor she naps in lumpy uh, splendor... my angle was bad, but if I had stood up and shot downwards we could have seen the sun glinting off her mighty snag... some mornings I am super lucky and get to see the sun rise on one side of the bus, and glint off her tooth on the other side, like I am surrounded by glory or something...
Ahh, and here is a nice little collage of the graffiti on the back side of the produce warehouse...

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