bleeding out the ears
Almost had my anyurism yesterday... yep.. felt the vessel bulging... starting going a little blind in one eye, sharp pain in the ears, tintinitus...
I had to vocalize it, it sounded like this "Aaarrghghg" and "movemovemove" and misc other whiney noises that are too hard to spell...
Not sure what was up... sometimes it is just hard to cope for some reason...
I imagine that when I die, at some random time when a couple people that knew me get together and aknowledge to each other that I am dead, they will keep it real and say something along the line of "dude was too high strung, was bound to happen, I am suprised someone didn't kill him before he had the chance to die all on his own" and "what an asshole"...
Hey, screw you!!! How about a little respect for the dead.
Oooh, Oh, ahh... Uhh...
I feel like crap... for real... waves of nausea... like dizzy and shit... TIRED... really, the kinda tired like where you are sitting on the couch and start nodding off and shit... taking a lot of effort to keep my head up... I feel like aliens are drilling into my brain and using one of those hand mixers... it really sucks, cause I will be feeling fine one moment, and then suddenly I feel like I am about to hurl... WTF... I am pretty sure noone sneezed on my over the weekend... HA!!!
I got some good sleep over the weekend, although I did extend myself a bit further (farther?) than I usually do yesterday...
Perhaps this is it... the final downhill slide... will need to get some medical marijuana and heroin or something, go on the state medical... begin planning my funeral and perhaps find my wife a new husband to take my place when I am gone (I think I saw that in a movie once)... Although, my wife did mention that I ruined her for normal men... or was it men in general... something about not needing to go through that again... not sure what she meant... I know I was listening, but sometimes her voice is like an angels song and I get lost in the melody and miss the message... Dd I mention that she is super fine (supper fine, too... tasty)...
Speakin' of Tasty...
Went to this restuarant kinda place yesterday, called "Small Fryes"... Holy Shit!!!
Dude, I got the #1, The Chili Cheese Fries... OMG, they taste just like chili cheese fritos...
I couldn't finish them all up yesterday so had them for lunch today, and now I am dreaming of ways to have them for dinner and lunch again tomorrow...
Of course, this has nothing to do with what I was saying earlier, the feeling like crap thing...
I had a bite of the wifes burger, and it was fantastic...
I was looking at the oldest daughters hotdog, and it looked GREAT, but I wasn't sure if it was a weiner or a regular hotdog and didn't want to take the chance of eating fowl...
The youngest daughter, she had the corndog, which looked delicious, but I am pretty sure it contained bird and of course blah blah...
Shakes, yeah... free refills, yes... I fully and completely recommend the place... it is the kind of place that made me want to open a shack of my own...
Here is the sign that was outside...
I had to vocalize it, it sounded like this "Aaarrghghg" and "movemovemove" and misc other whiney noises that are too hard to spell...
Not sure what was up... sometimes it is just hard to cope for some reason...
I imagine that when I die, at some random time when a couple people that knew me get together and aknowledge to each other that I am dead, they will keep it real and say something along the line of "dude was too high strung, was bound to happen, I am suprised someone didn't kill him before he had the chance to die all on his own" and "what an asshole"...
Hey, screw you!!! How about a little respect for the dead.
Oooh, Oh, ahh... Uhh...
I feel like crap... for real... waves of nausea... like dizzy and shit... TIRED... really, the kinda tired like where you are sitting on the couch and start nodding off and shit... taking a lot of effort to keep my head up... I feel like aliens are drilling into my brain and using one of those hand mixers... it really sucks, cause I will be feeling fine one moment, and then suddenly I feel like I am about to hurl... WTF... I am pretty sure noone sneezed on my over the weekend... HA!!!
I got some good sleep over the weekend, although I did extend myself a bit further (farther?) than I usually do yesterday...
Perhaps this is it... the final downhill slide... will need to get some medical marijuana and heroin or something, go on the state medical... begin planning my funeral and perhaps find my wife a new husband to take my place when I am gone (I think I saw that in a movie once)... Although, my wife did mention that I ruined her for normal men... or was it men in general... something about not needing to go through that again... not sure what she meant... I know I was listening, but sometimes her voice is like an angels song and I get lost in the melody and miss the message... Dd I mention that she is super fine (supper fine, too... tasty)...
Speakin' of Tasty...
Went to this restuarant kinda place yesterday, called "Small Fryes"... Holy Shit!!!
Dude, I got the #1, The Chili Cheese Fries... OMG, they taste just like chili cheese fritos...
I couldn't finish them all up yesterday so had them for lunch today, and now I am dreaming of ways to have them for dinner and lunch again tomorrow...
Of course, this has nothing to do with what I was saying earlier, the feeling like crap thing...
I had a bite of the wifes burger, and it was fantastic...
I was looking at the oldest daughters hotdog, and it looked GREAT, but I wasn't sure if it was a weiner or a regular hotdog and didn't want to take the chance of eating fowl...
The youngest daughter, she had the corndog, which looked delicious, but I am pretty sure it contained bird and of course blah blah...
Shakes, yeah... free refills, yes... I fully and completely recommend the place... it is the kind of place that made me want to open a shack of my own...
Here is the sign that was outside...

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