Sunday, July 02, 2006

Greetings from Tangiers

Lazy sunday morning at the pool...
While the lovely wife is at work/church I decided to take the girls to the pool. Obviously they were good with this... I guess this is what makes it all worth while, all the bitching and moaning about getting up at the buttcrack of dawn and riding the bus and blah blah... So, a few months from now, when the days are long and cold and I am sitting there jockeying my desk around I can look back on these beautiful days and decide to call in sick the next day... something about motivation, eh?

Jedidudi (jeh-dee-duh-dee) actually gave me permission to take this picture, after screaming at me repeatedly to NOT take her picture (SCREAM... DADDY... DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE... NO!) She actually called me over and said, OK, I am ready for my picture to be taken... What a little Diva... she is gong to make me filthy rich one day...
OK, so I was gonna move to another blog, wasn't gonna be Trey Wafer any longer... not sure how I feel about defining myself that way any more... but I am going to stay... the address, at least, is going to remain what it is, but I am probably going to do up a new header with something besides what is there now...
Probably Tangelos or something, cause clowns hate tangelos, it messes with their equilibrium or something... yeah... Gonna be dynamic, not in the saturday night fever stud muffin kinda way (yeah, like I can suppress that, I know...) but in a things change kinda way... I am also gonna be writing on the side, may put some of that up as I get it done and I won't feel like killing myself if people see it and wish to criticize it... which means it would have to be so close to the ultimate good/evil (whatever floats your boat) that it would be beyond speakable...
Dude... my goal is for me to write something that will one day be used in college lit courses where the dipshit profs try to break it all down and determine what it really is that I meant when I said something something... and I can come back from the spirit plain at that point and pee ghost pee all over the class room as they will invariably have it wrong and it will piss me off to no end... Ain't that a bitch, my lofty goal is to one day be extremely pissed off at someone... way to go dude...