Monday, June 12, 2006

suffering sharp stabbing pains to his temples, intermittently.

Fook, I think I sunburned my eyeballs!!! My eyes are all itchy and scratchy and I am suffering from this intermittent headache, intermittent in that I will be fine then all of a sudden I get jabbed in the side of the head with a spear... literally, by stupid spearing monkeys. I don't think I am dying though, just inferm.
Dude... no, other dude, yeah... went to the beach yesterday, which is where I got the burnt balls (eyeballs are balls too, heh) and so, yeah, went to this beach... Tons of fun, the girls loved it, well the little ones... The lovely wife, she decided to take out all her wrath on me. I didn't fully disclose how lovely it would be down there, so we were completely unprepared. Apparently this makes me an asshole. So there I am, all laying in the sun, and she is all like, "YOU ASSHOLE!!!"... I was shocked... SHOCKED... She was sorry, I could tell, she just kinda blurted it out, just kinda flew off her tongue like some sort of tourettes or something. I let it slide, cause, you know, she is so fine.
So I just sat there, enjoying the sun, admiring the views of the water and the fine shape of my lady's back... all zen'ed out and shit... when she suddenly spits out with some vile profanities... but basically she called me asshole again. I was all like, hey, what's up, baby... and she told me she was sorry again, she just wasn't ready for the beach... we didn't bring any swimming stuff or spare clothes for the girls, buckets, towels, all that stuff... she was sad, sad I tell you... we were failing as parents... our girls were left wanting...
I felt really bad about this... got a little teary when the love of my life let me know how she felt... her pain is my pain... I told her I was sorry... should have mentioned a bit more, etc... she smiled at me and went back to her macrame...
So I get back into the zen, mediatated on what I had done or not done, and tried to find something within myself...
I was so close, just about there, could see the golden door openning when the love of my life openned up the floodgates... she is all like, you suck you know... you are stupid and ugly and smell bad and are hairy and cook with too much garlic, and are a poor driver and fold clothes wrong and leave hair in the bathroom and use my smelly stuff and don't vacuum in the corners and spend too much time on the computer and did I mention stink and everyone hates you and I can't blame them and I am tired of defending you and you don't listen to Billy Idol enough and don't look like Billy Idol and you aren't Billy Idol and are an ASSHOLE...
So we went home and took the girls swimming at the pool and cooked hotdogs on the grill.
So this reoccuring feeling that I am a retard and live in special housing for retarded people and work at a job for retarded people and the real world is a lot more dangerous than I know because in my world all the corners are rounded... you know that one? Well it was reinforced a little bit on Saturday. Went to my special barber to get a special haircut and ran into this dude I used to work with and he was all like, Hey Trey, and I was all like, Huh... and he was all like, hey, how ya doin? and he asked if I remembered who he was and I was all like, uh, Danny? and he said yes... and somewhere in there I said that I was suprised he recognized me and I would have walked on by without recognizing him... and he mentioned something like how I had a distinctive face or recognizable face or something, which I took to mean that I looked like a big retard and my style of retardation makes me stand out from normal retarded people... So now he is on my shitlist... I will put him below Starbucks and people you use cellphones all the time... and the facilities dude...
Listen to:
Mark Lanegan: Kimiko's dream house and Ugly Sunday Morning and Borracho
Snoop Doggy Dogg with Kokane: Hennesey and Buddha
Bauhaus: Stigmata Martyr, She's in parties, and Severance (dude, I am going to include the words to Severance below, I am so morose):
The birds of leaving call to us,
Yet here we stand
endowed with the fear of flight.
The winds of change consume the land,
While we remain
In the shadow of summers now past.
When all the leaves
Have fallen and turned to dust,
Will we remain
Entrenched within our ways.
The plague that moves throughout this land
Omen signs
In the shapes of things to come.

Tomorrow's child is the only child.