Friday, August 25, 2006

...gently floating like a leaf, down down down

I have a hankerin' to fire up the deep fryer this weekend. I have a 800lb bag of potatos in the cellar, 3 or 4 bottles of corn and or canola oil, and a strong desire... seems like it should be a slam dunk. Dude, I read something within the last couple days, this chick was asking why fries fried in HORSE fat taste so much better than other fries... I, of course, had no explanation, so I read on and someone explained that HORSE fat is low or high in saturated fat or unsaturated fat or something... the details are fuzzy but I am sure that if you arrange those words in the right order it would make sense... I don't really care... I pretty much lost the desire to have a taste at the word HORSE... although part of me is intrigued...
Not sure how this relates, but Red Bear Seattle likes to AIM me random headlines or something and sent me one about words you don't want to appear in your obituary or something and it said something like "... next to his body were found a condom and a tube of KY Jelly.". I tried to explain that it may not be so bad... all you have to do is add the words "... and a smile on his face." to the story and it would completely change the context.
I guess if we change the word HORSE to PIG I would get a boner... Change HORSE to something like, uh, GOAT, well, I don't know, I have had goat and it ain't that bad... How about change HORSE to BABY... yeah, I wouldn't eat them fries either... what a question that would be though... "Why do fries fried in Baby Fat taste so damn good???"
Dude, ok, so I changed the header/banner thingy up there... I like it... I added a few link to the right there... NOW, DO IT NOW, CLICK ON COOP!!! He is soo cool, I want to be his buddy. He does things, with art and stuff, real cool, and he put up a bunch of Glam Rock Videos... Ballroom Blitz by Sweet is the first one, there are actually several Sweet videos... I watched them all yesterday and am still mesmerized... His art is real cool also... and he is cool and does cool things and cool and stuff...
I had to go to the bathroom again today. When I got there, the light was out, which is a good sign, means there ain't no one in there...
I sat down gently. It was quiet, contrasted to yesterday, my breathing was like one of those air pumps in the hospital, gentle swishes, maybe a slight whistle of air through my nose... There was no grunting, straining... my refuse floated like a feather to land on the gentle blue lake below, and slowly sank into the abyss... a quick pass through the valley, a flush, and the smell of flowers... and I was outta there... more proof that I should use the womens room... I am dainty in my daily ablutions... if my going to the bathroom was a painting it would be from the romantic period, serene and chaste...
They should give me my own bathroom... it would be one of those places where people could look in the door, over the rope, but never transgress, cause they know they don't belong and they would be afraid of breaking something... it would be one of those places people just know they are not allowed in, forbidden, or like a chapel or something and they would need to be on their best behaviour, but they would never actually do their business there cause it would be a sacrilege and the very foundations of the earth would shake from the outrage...
People allowed to use my personal bathroom:
The Lovely Mrs.
Neko Case
The Dalai Lama
I think that about covers it.
I feel like shopping, maybe for a pair of Vans hightops, like I used to have, a new camera, a external storage device for the home comps, a couple t-shirts, and some new sheets for the bed (deep pocket, perhaps with Hello Kitty on them, or something from Sin in Linen... google it...
I feel tired which makes me: a) consider depression, b) antagonistic c) something something
I feel like having a drink: A Rainier Ale and some Black Velvet... or some really cheap Tequila and a Pabst... Oh, yeah, a homemade Cruzan 120 proof rum pina colada... those are the ones with coconut and pineapple juice, right? yeah, that sounds good...
Still feel like deep frying something... Doh, like doing up some of my world famous Puerco Domingo and making some Chimichangas... erp, wood...
I feel like a big puss for wearing my heart on my sleeve like this... like ya'll are reading this and thinking, "What a big puss."...
So the chick that waters the plants was in watering the plants again. She did not appear to be digging my shit and hasn't the last few times she has come in...
1) So what...
A) I am a Viking now and if I want the woman I take the woman, it is the Viking way
B) I am married to the most wonderful woman in the known universe and at least 6 different dimensions so other woman really hold no appeal.
C) I shouldn't be mingling with "the staff".
D) She is probably a lesbian, which is hot, but I understand.
E) She is probably suffering from low self esteem and figures that someone like her could never make it with someone like me and it makes her mad and sad at the same time cause I am so killer and desirable.
So I was thinking along all these lines and maybe a little bit that she thinks that I am an ugly asshole (yeah, RIGHT!!!) and married and stuff, and considering our interactions and relationship consists of her watering a plant near my desk once a week and our interactions to date have consisted of 10 minutes worth or time, that in the big scheme this doesn't really matter. But I put this to you, consider this or even something less, like someone not sitting next to you on the bus, and they are cute or otherwise admirable... you want to be admired back right? That is pretty basic... I think even on the most superficial level you want to be found attractive to others, but being so superficial, the level, how do you determine that you are or not... does that make sense... what am I trying to say...
It doesn't matter if someone doesn't want to sit next to you on the bus but you would like to think that people would want to even though you will eventually be getting off the bus and sharing the seat will no longer matter... uhh... I want people I find interesting to find me interesting too, even if nothing comes of it? damn, I don't know... forget I said anything...