your friend.
Dude, I'm goin' monk... stream of conscious... ahhmmmmm....
Got my new red shoes on, now my pinky toes are all squished, but at least I don't look like some pony tail boy birkenstock wearing homo, not that there is anything wrong with that...
I ate some chips today, now I keep checking to make sure there are not crumbs on my face, oh, I just thought, what if there is like black chip seasoning in my teeth and people will see it when I talk to them... damn...
Minnie the moocher, dude, is totally about doing drugs... did you know that? They made a Betty Boop cartoon out of the song and hardly anyone knew what it was about, ain't that a trip? Cab Calloway is so cool... Go to and download the cartoon and/or the song...
Go to and download this dude named John Butler, specifically the John Butler Trio. Dude is from Australia, but he rocks out with his weiner out... for real. Jam Band kinda stuff, sounds like some Zeppelin and shit... I don't think the old lady enjoys it, some of our musical tastes are the same, but then there are some places where we diverge... Like that one gal, with the hair, plays piano... uhh, not Fiona Apple, her new CD rocks... the other one... hmmnn... no matter... we don't have to like the same music all the time... as long as we continue to sing the same song, or something like that... together...
It was kinda cold this morning, made me think of Hot and Sour Soup. I think it may be about time to make some. Nothing like a big ass pot of hot and sour soup and eating it until you explode, then eating some more a little while later... sounds like a plan, and a good excuse to go to the H-Mart...
Ok, so I was listening to The Blow, Pile of Gold (Listen to it) and I am very happy. I enjoy The Blow and I was listening to this song and was still thinking about Minnie the Moocher and was listening to the song and I was thinking that it is a damn sexy song... although I may be interpreting the words incorrectly, but apparently all the girls are sitting on a pile of gold, and all the boys you know they want it, want it, want it... and all the boys will love you if you share your goods... or something like that, very similar to that... so apparently this pile of gold it a euphemism for puddin', yo, which, of course is a euphemism for beaver, uh, which is again, a euphemism (am I spelling that correctly?) for the golden palace of the himalaya's, and so on... girls are lucky, their parts have so many interesting names... flowery and poetic names... boys names are all, dull and utilitarian... really now, johnson? oh, except for Hammer of the Gods, that one rocks...
Oh, and apparently some girls are bigger than others, this night has openned my eyes, whats my age again?
Hey, freestylin' is fun...
Did I mention that I got my new RED shoes on? Yeah, apparently... oh, and did I happen to mention that I am wearing Levi's 505 jeans instead of 550's... classic fit instead of fat fit... I mean, loose... Who wants to hear about my underwear? heh... not much to talk about there...
Oh, some little kids were playing with my kids and they were all haver some sort of lord of the flies moment (PIGGIE!!!) and these other little kids called my kids and their friend something like "stupid crackers" and although my kids have no idea what that means they knew enough not to be happy about it... and I was all like, Uh, Cracker??? how bad is that? should I be offended? uhhh... oh, the dynamics... it was kinda weird, cause one of the girls that said it was a white girl, pearly white... her cousin was black or half black, both were cute, but you know the cute ones can be evil too... and one of the girls they were calling cracker was mostly mexican and then my two girls, Vikings, so who knows... but we are all poor, so why can't we all just get along??? oh, but then the girls came in all indignant and stuff and we told them not to play with the other girls anymore if they are not going to be nice, so then these other girls all came over and were kinda hovering around outside the porch and shit and the littlest viking went to the door and she yelled out to them, now dig this... "We are SO not your friends anymore!!!" then she slammed the door on them... YEAH!!!
Got my new red shoes on, now my pinky toes are all squished, but at least I don't look like some pony tail boy birkenstock wearing homo, not that there is anything wrong with that...
I ate some chips today, now I keep checking to make sure there are not crumbs on my face, oh, I just thought, what if there is like black chip seasoning in my teeth and people will see it when I talk to them... damn...
Minnie the moocher, dude, is totally about doing drugs... did you know that? They made a Betty Boop cartoon out of the song and hardly anyone knew what it was about, ain't that a trip? Cab Calloway is so cool... Go to and download the cartoon and/or the song...
Go to and download this dude named John Butler, specifically the John Butler Trio. Dude is from Australia, but he rocks out with his weiner out... for real. Jam Band kinda stuff, sounds like some Zeppelin and shit... I don't think the old lady enjoys it, some of our musical tastes are the same, but then there are some places where we diverge... Like that one gal, with the hair, plays piano... uhh, not Fiona Apple, her new CD rocks... the other one... hmmnn... no matter... we don't have to like the same music all the time... as long as we continue to sing the same song, or something like that... together...
It was kinda cold this morning, made me think of Hot and Sour Soup. I think it may be about time to make some. Nothing like a big ass pot of hot and sour soup and eating it until you explode, then eating some more a little while later... sounds like a plan, and a good excuse to go to the H-Mart...
Ok, so I was listening to The Blow, Pile of Gold (Listen to it) and I am very happy. I enjoy The Blow and I was listening to this song and was still thinking about Minnie the Moocher and was listening to the song and I was thinking that it is a damn sexy song... although I may be interpreting the words incorrectly, but apparently all the girls are sitting on a pile of gold, and all the boys you know they want it, want it, want it... and all the boys will love you if you share your goods... or something like that, very similar to that... so apparently this pile of gold it a euphemism for puddin', yo, which, of course is a euphemism for beaver, uh, which is again, a euphemism (am I spelling that correctly?) for the golden palace of the himalaya's, and so on... girls are lucky, their parts have so many interesting names... flowery and poetic names... boys names are all, dull and utilitarian... really now, johnson? oh, except for Hammer of the Gods, that one rocks...
Oh, and apparently some girls are bigger than others, this night has openned my eyes, whats my age again?
Hey, freestylin' is fun...
Did I mention that I got my new RED shoes on? Yeah, apparently... oh, and did I happen to mention that I am wearing Levi's 505 jeans instead of 550's... classic fit instead of fat fit... I mean, loose... Who wants to hear about my underwear? heh... not much to talk about there...
Oh, some little kids were playing with my kids and they were all haver some sort of lord of the flies moment (PIGGIE!!!) and these other little kids called my kids and their friend something like "stupid crackers" and although my kids have no idea what that means they knew enough not to be happy about it... and I was all like, Uh, Cracker??? how bad is that? should I be offended? uhhh... oh, the dynamics... it was kinda weird, cause one of the girls that said it was a white girl, pearly white... her cousin was black or half black, both were cute, but you know the cute ones can be evil too... and one of the girls they were calling cracker was mostly mexican and then my two girls, Vikings, so who knows... but we are all poor, so why can't we all just get along??? oh, but then the girls came in all indignant and stuff and we told them not to play with the other girls anymore if they are not going to be nice, so then these other girls all came over and were kinda hovering around outside the porch and shit and the littlest viking went to the door and she yelled out to them, now dig this... "We are SO not your friends anymore!!!" then she slammed the door on them... YEAH!!!
Oh, yeah, here is a picture of The Blow... now why didn't I think of that???

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