Blah blah blah... bahhhhh

What have I been up to?
Well, nothing, you silly goose...
I get up, go to work, skip out asap to catch the first bus out of town, then I go homw and do random stuff... How about that?!?
Let's see... Oh, I completed Zelda, Twilightt Princess (on the gamecube) last week. Took something like 62 hours, start to finish... not all at once, yo... So, you see, I got out of the twilight realm and had to go to Hyrule Castle to help the princess, but first I had to defeat all these lesser dudes, right, so I did that and me and Mina got to the top of the Castle and ran into the head dude, uhh, Goran or something, anyhow, he started talking crap and then Mina tried to protect the princess but she got hurt or something, and then the bad dude took over the princess and I had to battle her. She was shooting fireballs at me and I had to hit them back at her and after I did that a few times all of a sudden the princess fell to the ground and the bad dude was all pissed and he turned into this giant boar and was charging at me and then would disappear, so I had to shoot arrows at him then slash at him, and after I beat him I was transported to this field and had this horse and the princess did this prayer and all of a sudden we had these "light arrows" and I had to ride the horse and the princess was firing arrows at the bad dude but she had terrible aim so it took a long time, but then she would hit him and I would have to slash at him with my sword and after we did that a few times we had to do hand to hand combat and it was ROUGH... but I kept whackin at him and rolling around and finally I defeated him, then there was a lot of talking and Mina came back to life and she was HAWT HAWT HAWT in her normal twilight princess form... but then she broke the mirror of darkness or whatever it was called, so I can never see her again, and then there were a lot of credits and that was it... whoaaaa...
I uploaded a bunch of pictures to my flickr account yesterday accenting how cute my girls are, you should check them out. Clickety SMACK
It is all hot out and I have to dress like a monkey, tuck my shirt in and wear pants and stuff... damn!!! I keep hoping that the head cheese will say that since it is so hot out and stuff that we can dress down a little bit, maybe we can untuck our shirts or maybe even wear t-shirts in to the office... but it is unlikely...
Uhhh, I spent some cash getting a new harddrive (250gb SATA II internal) and this little doohicky that you can plug into your computer and VCR so you can transfer tapes to DVD... I was thinking that if you had some personal private naked videos of yourself and wanted them on DVD I could transfer them for you... come on, what, would you prefer to have some stranger do it? I suppose there are other applications for it, like home videos where everyone has all their clothes on, which is actually what I bought it for... hmmnnn...
Oh, remember the other day when I was self diagnosing myself and had like 3 possible ailments? Well, the massage gal says I have TMJ... cause my jaw clicks and shit... yeah...
Lets see, there must be some other random shit I can say right now... hmmn... I have to be in a skit tomorrow... have I ever mentioned that I have a distaste for participating in crap like that? Apparently I am not alone and some of the gals that I will be doing it with agree... and I really don't see the point in it... but it will mean free lunch, so lets see how it goes...
Enough random crap for now... enough I tell you...
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