Thursday, September 14, 2006

boxing with a beaver.

I was the funniest guy in the room
For half an hour or so
At a party filled
With the likes of which
I'll never know

I am thinking of starting another blog, in addition, you dig... something to do with Lyrics. I keep coming across these lyrics and I feel like sharing them, but they kinda just sit there like a turd or something. Maybe like throw some lyrics up there and gush about them. Or say WTF... you get the picture.

I got this hand in my cup
and this buddhas' got me stuck
I'm just trying to compose myself
I don't know why I act this way
I just wanna be left alone
I'm just trying to enjoy myself...

Ok, dammit, so I moved upstairs you dig, which seems to be more something something than I anticipated... I keep hearing about how there have been dirty looks from the folks that were already here, how they think we are rowdie (R O W D I E, thats the way we spell rowdie) or something... loud... I ain't seen it though... sounds like low self esteem to me. I have already spoken with a dude from IS and DEV and shit, and it is all good. I am going to call it networking... I may network my ass right on back down to the second floor, we shall see.
If I have any problem with being up here, besides being much much closer to the coffee machine (must pace myself) it is the altitude. For real, dog... I think I am getting the altitude sickness. or my monitor is too close, but no, probably the altitude... feel light headed, kinda funky... uh, if I go downstairs real fast will I get the bends? Or like, the reverse bends, from recompressing too quickly? Shit, is my nose bleeding? Blood thining, cannot maintain erection, must fight sleep... I don't think I'm gonna make it, ya'll go on without me, it will be ok, I will just sit here and rest for a minute, maybe take a nap, I feel warmer already, ahhh, warm and sunny, I can feel the sun and see the light... I am going into the warm warm light... grampa? is that you? Sammy? Petey? are there pets in heaven?


So apparently, if I survive this day, we are going to THE CASINO for dinner. I believe it went down kinda like this (what brought us to this juncture or something):
G & M love to gamble and complain about how tight the indian slots are. They gamble the nickel slots.
They want to go gamble and figure they will eat there also, but they may concerned about the traffic or something, so they suggest to T & K that they should come out to dinner at THE CASINO. But they can't just say, hey lets go to dinner to them because it would probably not be THE CASINO that they go to, so they say, we will invite J & C along, they will all meet up for a get together, so they get the dinner excuse and HEY, since they are there they may as well gamble a bit, gets the family together and shit... and this is being explained to P, you see, and since everything has to be shared equally, or at least offered so noone feels left out or short changed, M says something about, Oh, hey, do you want to come, and perhaps due to some guilt at not being able to see the parents year round so you have to maximize the time you do have with them, the answer is yes, or perhaps P just wants a free meal... So the calendar gets filled out with a note, dinner 6:00... So then J or T depending on who you think I am, says, hey, whats up with the thing on the Calendar and is told that we get to go to that one restaurant at THE CASINO, which means he has to go to THE CASINO, but he gets all bitchy about it because he doesn't gamble and doesn't like hearing about maximum bets of 6 nickels being extravegant... or perhaps it is the traffic? Most likely it is the fear that before he gets to eat T & K will shame everyone into saying grace and he will have to fake it... I close my eyes, here I go, I am visualizing the menu... hmmnn, fish and chips... that sounds good, or should I get the something something burger, Ughh, G is ordering the liver and onions... Ughh ughh M is not hungry and is going to share the liver and onions with G and maybe get a piece of dry white toast on the side, their portions are so huge here... Oh... F doesn't like anything on the menu, J is looking at her, stop looking at her J, no you can't have a coke, its too late for that... am I ready, No, but Yes I say, hopefully I will have made a brilliant decision before it is my turn, DOH, nope, the burger basket... damn, should have ordered the fish... Huh, small talk, what have I been up to? Oh, the usual, just working... random talk about the kids and how much it cost to pay for their tuition, great to have T making so much money again, although most of it is going to ....
ahh, on and on it goes, I believe, most likely, that I am just being bitchy and a little perturbed that I was not asked if I was interested in going and now we can't back out because we already said yes and have no viable excuse to opt out... Oh, and have I mentioned the guilt involved? Something to do with how little we actually see the inlaws and not wanting to go makes me a major dick or something, uhh... oh, something about fear of upsetting the lovely wife vs self preservation... OH, yeah, something something about not airing dirty laundry in public... smell my stinky drawers ya'll...

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