older than I've ever been
Do you ever wake up, like 20 minutes before your alarm goes off and feel like you are full of energy but, hell, you got 20 minutes left, so you decide to just doze a bit, then the alarm goes off in what seems like an instant and you are WAY HELLA TIRED and SHIT? I do this all the friggin time...
Partly because I know the clock is set a bit fast and getting up at that point would put me at something like 3:30 in the effin AM, which ain't right... back in the day... ahh, back in the day...
Oh, and having that extra 20 minutes of awake time in the morning means I have an extra 20 minutes of nothing to do but be quiet and watch infomercials for girls gone wild or something... Or DUDE, MTV at that time completely sucks ass (not like the other times of the day that MTV sucks ass)... I mean, if I had to wake up and deal with crap like that everyday I would probably go someplace and shoot people randomly... Worse than a japanese epilepsy cartoon... I don't understand this shit, and I will leave it at that...
Why waste my time, it ain't like trying to learn hiroglyphics or latin or how to read the Aztec Calendar or something, you know, meaningful shit... I just don't have the patience anymore to try and figure out why all the kids are wearing whatever or carrying huge friggin swords and shit around with baggy pants...
Now, dammit, I am not trying to sound like some crotchety old timey guy or anything, I just don't really care, you know, all I know is that lately I am seeing a bunch of people that I would not have gotten along with when I was their age and would have probably actively mocked them... and I don't want to be all touchy feely and try and figure them out... When the time comes and my girls are walking around wearing silver jumpsuits and listening to Kraftwerk because they are sooo retro I will try and maybe figure it out... I can be hip, and hang out with them and their teenage girlfriends, in the garage, drinking beers (don't tell your mom) and trying to force them to listen to some zeppelin or Black Sabbath and they all smile until they think I'm not looking then they roll their eyes but they stick around cause I am giving them beer and can sometimes be cool...
So yeah, having that extra 20 minutes wouldn't be helpful...
Anyway, click some links below... I haven't the patience to be more random at the moment...
Useful link day:
Uncle Mark Gift Guide and Almanac
Bug Me Not
Also see the link for Retail Me Not for a killer database of discounts and such
Heh, cats are funny
Acronyms in Pictures or for realz here
Partly because I know the clock is set a bit fast and getting up at that point would put me at something like 3:30 in the effin AM, which ain't right... back in the day... ahh, back in the day...
Oh, and having that extra 20 minutes of awake time in the morning means I have an extra 20 minutes of nothing to do but be quiet and watch infomercials for girls gone wild or something... Or DUDE, MTV at that time completely sucks ass (not like the other times of the day that MTV sucks ass)... I mean, if I had to wake up and deal with crap like that everyday I would probably go someplace and shoot people randomly... Worse than a japanese epilepsy cartoon... I don't understand this shit, and I will leave it at that...
Why waste my time, it ain't like trying to learn hiroglyphics or latin or how to read the Aztec Calendar or something, you know, meaningful shit... I just don't have the patience anymore to try and figure out why all the kids are wearing whatever or carrying huge friggin swords and shit around with baggy pants...
Now, dammit, I am not trying to sound like some crotchety old timey guy or anything, I just don't really care, you know, all I know is that lately I am seeing a bunch of people that I would not have gotten along with when I was their age and would have probably actively mocked them... and I don't want to be all touchy feely and try and figure them out... When the time comes and my girls are walking around wearing silver jumpsuits and listening to Kraftwerk because they are sooo retro I will try and maybe figure it out... I can be hip, and hang out with them and their teenage girlfriends, in the garage, drinking beers (don't tell your mom) and trying to force them to listen to some zeppelin or Black Sabbath and they all smile until they think I'm not looking then they roll their eyes but they stick around cause I am giving them beer and can sometimes be cool...
So yeah, having that extra 20 minutes wouldn't be helpful...
Anyway, click some links below... I haven't the patience to be more random at the moment...
Useful link day:
Uncle Mark Gift Guide and Almanac
Bug Me Not
Also see the link for Retail Me Not for a killer database of discounts and such
Heh, cats are funny
Acronyms in Pictures or for realz here
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