Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I know you fine but... oh nevermind...

I was sitting on the bus today and the frowny face gal got on at the last stop before we hit the freeway, ok... she's the one that wears the Australian looking cowboy hat and can't seem to close her mouth because it is stuck in a permanent frown...
So she got on the bus and was all frowny and shit, and she sat down and took off her hat. Her hair looks like HELL. It is all short and turning a bad dirty grey color and she always has this major case of hat head. This is bad, seriously...
I had taken a glance at her this morning, you know, and confirmed that yes, she looked like hell, so I just kinda stared off into space and listened to my music for a while... then, out of the corner of my eye I could see some sort of action going on... I took a little look and Ms. Frowny Face was putting on some gawdawful earings... she was fussin and fussin at her ear trying to get this earring in, and when she finally did she moved on to the other... It was hideous and I studied her a bit and was trying to come up with some sort of analogy or metephor or something for this disaster...
The best I can do is this... think of those big ass statues on easter island... aren't they grand?!? Now imagine putting a hat on one, and bright red lipstick, and ugly ass earrings... and maybe tack a dead cat or two to either side... now put it on a bus heading towards seattle at 5:30 in the morning... oh, and suck on a menthol cough drop at the same time... yeah... that is pretty much exactly what it is/was like...
I don't know why I let it get to me, I really don't... well... maybe I do... I imagine that these people, they look in the mirror and think they look just fine... or they imagine that they look just fine and they sit there not realizing that they really don't... and what really gets to me is that I could also be sitting there thinking I look just fine and someone else could be looking at me and thinking, What the fuck!!!... you know... So I try not to be too haughty in my evaluation of them... but damn...
There seems to be a bit of body dismorfic something or other going on... there are a few people I know that look fine to me but seem to think there is something better they could get to... Some of them are finer than others... Like my old lady... DAMN!!! thats about all I can say about that... I could follow her down the hall all day, if you know what I mean... Sometimes I just have to sneak a peak at her, all sneaky like, it just seems to go down better that way... I think I have mentioned it before and I know I have told her a million times, but gawddamn baby...
Since I am throwing it out there... may I mention that the following people look fantastic...
Spicerack: Hey!
Red Bear: Way to go, dude!!!
Annonymous dog owner: Your hair is rockin'!
French Monkey Boy: You seem to be quite physically fit, congrats on running and swimming and stuff.
Crazy Korean: Stretch out that IT band and keep your HR up, and run like the wind boy.
and everyone else out there that is looking fantastic... keep it up!!!

Hey, time for the pictures of the kids being scared of Santa: SHRIEK!!!

Yeah, so I didn't post for a while and now I am trying to get back into it...
I was just doing some thinking and considering and stuff...
Wasn't sure what there was to say, not that I need a point, obviously I can post for days and days without having a point... but it seemed that there had to be a purpose, or a muse or something... I guess I just haven't found anything interesting and fresh... I feel like I mention things over and over and over again... although that is not just here but there also... I think I really just need closure of some sort... like a definate end of the conversation, a point to reference...
Ultimately, though, I find it hard to complete a thought lately... like right there... there was a definate pause there while I thought about what I was trying to think about there... hmmnnn... yep, I lost it again... I think I am trying to say that I can't think of anything to say... like running into someone you have not seen for a long time, or someone you see all the time, and you don't really have a point of reference (or a new point) to speak to... how you doin? fine, how you doin? Great. Ok then. Yes, fine then... see you later...