Monday, February 19, 2007

Scary dreams and such...

I had a scary dream last night... there is no way I could do it justice, but it involved these evil living dead type of people. They seemed to be part vampire and kinda like zombies and invisible, like ghosts (most of the time)... it was super strange... It started out where I was on this old train or railroad car with this other dude and we were trying to go down this track and the track just ended in this run down town. So we couldn't go any further and ended up going in this restaurant/bar/local meeting place kinda place and people were kinda strange towards us, like they didn't want to be unfriendly but they certainly weren't going to be friendly.
And this dude went down the hall and heard this knocking at this door, it was a glass door, and he went outside and this car came up and the doors on the car opened but noone got out... or did they... suddenly there was like this vampire zombie thing behind the dude and he was hauled into the car by the head (they grabbed his head and pulled and into the car he went).
But noone really noticed, but it was getting late and everyone started heading out and they asked me where I was going to stay the night and I said I didn't know and they said I couldn't stay outside and I told them it was warm enough, wouldn't be so bad and they were like, hell no, and they locked me in this closet to sleep so I would be safe. They told me to be quiet and stay where I was... all night there were all these strange sounds, like knocking and creaking and shit. And I looked through the cracks in the door and could see "things" moving around out there, like people, but not like people, you dig...
So the sun came up and people came back and let me out and told me I should probably leave, and I was going to, but I got sidetracked, and somehow it seemed like I was camping... with some hippies or something... there were a few tents set up in this clearing and the clearing ended IN THIS HOUSE... it ended at this hallway, man... and the hippies were all acting like everything was cool because they were safe as long as they stayed here, but I could tell that just past the clearing was where all the bad things were... and it was pretty strange... and it seemed true, because people were disappearing if they went outside the clearing, you would sometimes hear screams and stuff... but being hippies they would sometimes go off and do hippie things, and end up screaming and dead... and apparently I was a hippie, because I ended up going into this house with someone else, and there was weird shit swirling around us but nothing bad was happening... and there was a CAT (wouldn't you know it) and the cat wondered off and I felt this presence closing in on me, like 3 or 4 of them were closing in, all around me, whispering things and taunting me... I was kinda scared, and I turned around and all of a sudden the fucking cat was hurling through the air towards me with its claws out and hissing and looking all evil cat like and I was all like, oh shit, here we go again, but the cat flew by my and into one of the evil things and it dug in and started ripping it apart and there was all this hideous shrieking and the cat was going NUTS and it destroyed all the evil things...
Suddenly I understood that the cat was protecting us and it was the reason that all the evil things were staying away... and I was grateful towards the cat and was going to pet it but it was all gross with bloody stuff from the evil things it had destroyed and I hate cats anyhow, so I just let it walk off...
And suddenly everything was fine and everyone was starting to go back about their business like this happened all the time and the only thing you can do it keep on keeping on... so people were cleaning the house and I was all like, HEY, how do we know there ain't more of them in the spooky basement or something... and they all shrugged their heads and acted like it was all ok now and I was a dipshit, like old people are known to do (cause they all seemed old)... So I decided I needed to take a shower and I found a towel and headed towards the bathroom and ran into my father in law and told him I was going to take a shower (no, he didn't offer to join me, not this time... that is another dream, or, what do they call them, fantasy) and he told me he had just poured a bunch of bleach in the tub and it was draining so I should wait a minute, so I said ok, and I went into the bathroom and closed the door and got naked and then I turned around and there was this huge hole in the door and I could see my mother in law on the other side cleaning and stuff (no, she didn't join me either) and I turned around, back towards the tub and looked inside and the last of the bleach and dirty water was draining down, and the drain was this huge hole in the center of the tub and I was worried that I would step in it or something bad would come out of it...
But I got in anyhow, you know, and turned the water on and suddenly I realized that the walls had holes in them also and there were a bunch of people walking by on the other side... I stood and watched them all walking by... it wasn't like they were looking in at me or anything, no, they were just walking by...
And the funny thing was, I knew I was having a dream the whole time, so it was all scary like watching a scary movie, but not so scary because I knew it wasn't real... I was just kinda participating like I was supposed to... it was interesting...

So we hung with some friends on the weekend, and it was great, you know... They brought their little dude down and he was a bunch of fun and we did a little bit of a late xmas/missed your birthday kinda thing...
The ladies got to be annoyed by the fella's talking "geek" stuff and something something... you know how the ladies get...
Anyhow, we were talking and I had mentioned something, oh, I remember, we gave them a gift for the little dude, one of those strainer things that you can put things in and the little kid gets to chaw on it and get bits and pieces of "real food" or something like that... so we were, for some reason, naming off pieces of food that you could put in the little bag... mostly fruit... and I mentioned something about putting some steak or sausage in there and my friend said something that blew my mind... he said that their kid was not eating meat, that he was going to be a vegetarian until HE decided that he wanted to eat meat... I was all like, huh?!?
and I have been thinking about it ever since, not in a "what a stupid moron" type of way, but more of a... uh, wtf kind of way... I mean, I understand and yet I don't understand, and it really ain't that big a deal, or earth shattering or anything, I can dig where they are coming from, but I had never thought of anything like that... I know people that don't want to "polute" their children with non organic something or others, which typically include meat, and I accept this from them because that is the way they are... they are instilling their own values in their children... but my friends, they eat meat and such, so I have to believe it has something to do with "free will" and NOT instilling their personal beliefs in their son... which seems real cool... I think... see, that is where I am hung up... I should have asked, I should have said, hey, whats up with that... we could have conversed on this and would have either agreed or disagreed (and had to kiss and make up) but I didn't...
I think I am intrigued by this thing... I know I am slightly confused... I don't know...
Let me offer this up, though... Dude, when kids are teething one of the most fantastic things you can give them to chaw on is beef jerky... for real, they love it and it makes them tough as nails...
Kinda funny, or maybe not, while we were having this little talk but not really my kids were running around with a pair of scissors, which I was fine with, they do it all the time... Dude, they were climbing this cart to get to the drawer where they blindly reach around until they can find the sharp pointy things to wrap their fingers around and jump down off the cart... it is actually quite a bit less dangerous than it sounds... well, probably not, but I have seen them do it enough to be considered a bad father, I suppose...
I have also learned that they like to be left in the bathtub, unattended, for hours at a time... they do more harm to the tub than the tub does to them, for real... oh, and, although it is hella easy and the path of least resistance, it is best NOT to let them eat top ramen for breakfast, lunch AND dinner, all in the same day... gotta break it up somewhere in there, despite all the screaming... and DO NOT break it up by offering them spaghetti... go for some sort of non-noodle... Oh, and I learned that if you are going to threaten to smack them then you really gotta follow up with the smack, because they learn so friggin fast... after about the 4th time you threaten to give 'em a spankin' and don't the threat is worthless and they will actually MOCK YOU!!! Oh, and after they mock you, don't cry, because they totally lose all respect for you after that and will walk ALL over you... especially if you run to your room and slam the door, leaving them alone to do whatever they want...
Just thought I would mention, you know...

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